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A horse wearing a prolite girth.

At Saddles Europe our clients and customers trust us to offer them what we regard as the best products available within the E.U.!

Trust that we have carefully chosen which girths to endorse and offer for sale after consultation with the very best saddle fitters and equine professionals.

It is important that when you choose girths you take into account the anatomical nature, is it elasticated or non-elasticated? Does it have non chafing or chafeless 
characteristics? and in the case of the Prolite girths do you need a narrow or standard gauge?

The girths we offer strike the very best balance between quality, function and value, such as the sublime Fairfax girths, the highly functional Prolite girths and the practical everyday girths by Thorowgood and Wintec. Added to these we are happy to offer girths by GFS Monarch based on their superb build quality and price. 


All prices include your local VAT rate.

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