Introducing the Ideal Impala 1450 Jump Saddle - a highly regarded saddle launched in 2006, specifically designed to cater to the needs of fit and well-muscled competition horses. This saddle offers a generous panel surface area to ensure optimal fit and comfort for athletic horses.
The Ideal Impala 1450 Jump Saddle features a cupped pad over a knee block, providing riders with additional support and security during jumps. The thigh block adjustability, held in place by hook and loop fastening, allows riders to customise the position and level of support, ensuring a personalised fit and enhanced riding experience.
Launched with the goal of accommodating the unique needs of competition horses, the Impala 1450 has gained a reputation for its exceptional panel surface area and rider comfort. The saddle's design takes into consideration the physical demands and well-developed musculature of high-performance horses.
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